Cable systems - Unique Displays at Affordable Prices

Full Name: 
Maria Loomis

Whether you own an inpidual store or have a spot in a shopping mall, the right signage and display can make all the difference. Signs should be clear and intriguing to ensure that customers passing by would want to stop and take a closer look.

What are cable display systems?

Cable display systems basically have two cables anchored in the ceiling or the walls to support sign holders. These mounting systems have a very unique style. They are modern and sleek and work beautifully with contemporary décor. There are a number of options available when it comes to the frames. Acrylic frames tend to be the most popular since they blend into the background. The silver hardware used provides it a professional but very edgy, modern look.

Benefits of using a cable system

Unlike traditional wall mounting systems, cable systems do not hold the signs flush against a wall. Instead, the anchors will secure the cables to the ceiling or the wall to provide a floating appearance. The display has a subtle movement that provides it a life-like appearance. To further enhance this floating, airy appearance, use clear acrylic frames. Clear acrylic can fade away into any background to make the promotional posters and signs seem more prominent and eye-catching.

Versatile and affordable

With inpidual anchors, cables, frames and other pieces available separately today, it is possible to easily create a very unique, personalized display system. These floating display systems look unobtrusive but still very impactful and contemporary. Since the cable systems are manufactured using high quality materials, they require almost no upkeep and tend to last for years to come. They are also quite affordable considering that they last for so long.

These high quality, contemporary cable systems are used in just about every industry today because of the benefits they offer.