Glass Signage For Your Business

Full Name: 
Helen Jones

Wayfinding signage is a must in any working environment. Whether you’re working in a busy office environment, or managing a growing primary school, you’ll need a set of wayfinding signage that can inform, guide and direct employees, guests and other residents. In short, business wayfinding signage can help in promoting improved customer engagement and build a brand. While it may sound like an easy project to undertake, keep in mind that certain requirements must be met. Here are three (3) critical requirements that must be in place when redesigning or even setting up a collection of new signage for your office.

Use The 4 Types Of Office-Based Signage

When it comes to signage, you’ll need to cover four 4 types of signage- informational signs, directional signs, identification signs and warning signs. Informational signs are the most basic, and often well-represented in many working environments. These signs inform workers, and orient visitors and guests regarding the layout of the office and the location of specific offices and workstations. Directional signs on the other hand provide specific information or pointers on how to find specific rooms and areas in the working environment. These signs should be strategically placed inside the office for maximum coverage and information-dissemination. Identification signs should be present as well, displaying individual locations and other descriptions. And in effective signage management, its best to add a few warning signs in the working environment. Warning signs work two ways- it can inform and prevent injuries and serves as platform for management to comply with OSHA standards.

Consider Typeface And Text design

The signage typeface is also a critical requirement when it comes to designing office-based signs. Ill-advised typeface will render the message informal and unreadable, but well-executed typeface can inform and build business branding. There are different types of typeface available, but the sans-serif font is the most visible and easy-to-read font. Office signage should be readable, with a positive letter spacing and large X-height so workers and guests can easily read what you want to say.

Adopt a variety of signage materials, secured by appropriate mounting hardware

You have a variety of signage types at your disposal, from metal signboards to wood. While these are the favored materials in offices, it’s best to welcome other signage materials like flat and curved glasses to add a touch of class and sophistication. Curved and flat glasses mounted securely using inexpensive aluminum or even steel standoffs can provide a classy and professional look for an office. With these three (3) guidelines in place, it’s easier to design and create office signage that’s readable, matches corporate branding and deliver results. And since signage materials, including glasses and mounting hardware are readily available; it’s now easier and fun to revamp your office’s signage when you see it fit.